Financial Policy
Merryman Ministries is a non-profit
organization. We do not sell
All materials are distributed without
charge on a grace basis.
Our literature is circulated in 30 prisons
that we know of (there may be more).
Gifts to this ministry are used to reprint
and replenish our stock.
A receipt is mailed for every donation received.
Please pray with us that God will maintain this effort to publish and proclaim
His Word.
We are now offering international printing via Amazon for certain books.
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Analytical Notes on Daniel
An analysis of every paragraph of the book of Daniel with an emphasis on, and defense of, the premillennial character of
the prophetical sections.
International links:
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Understanding Biblical Election
An examination of every major New Testament text on election. Yes, you can understand a doctrine made vague by many theologians.
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Justification by Faith Alone & Its
Historical Challenges
An historical review of issues in the professing
church from the time of the Apostles to the present that distorted or
perverted the doctrine of justification. The last two chapters deal with the
ecumenical movement.
International links:
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Spiritual Gifts in the Church Age
Considered Exegetically, a monograph that examines the major New
Testament passages on gifts exegetically.
International links:
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IN CHRIST: Position & Identity
Unparalleled, a delineation of positional truth via an expositional study of Colossians 2:3-3:4.
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Learning from Habakkuk
Discovering Certainty in Times of Uncertainty: an exegetical study, verse-by-verse, of Habakkuk with explanations of pertinent eschatological passages. Included is a close examination of “the just one living by faith” and its implications for every believer.
International links:
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Romans 9-10-11
Affirms and reaffirms the accuracy of Dispensational theology in contrast with Reformed (Covenant) Theology.
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The following books are not yet on Amazon but can still be ordered directly.
Expositional Monographs, pertinent to understanding Genesis 1-12; Jesus, the Christ; Salvation & Eternal Security; Analyzing New Testament Books.
Human Volition & Divine Sovereignty, an examination of the parameters of human choice as related to divine sovereignty.
- Grace Provision for Man's Success: Vol. I, The Perfect Savior,
The impeccable, sinless Messiah becomes The Perfect Sacrifice. Grace planned it all.
- Grace Provision for Man's Success: Vol. II,
divine operating assets for the believer in time.
-Galatians: God’s Antidote to Legalism,
a verse-by-verse commentary on Galatians.
-Verse by Verse Through Hebrews, A Study Guide, Vol. I, a thorough treatment of the background and nature of the Book of
Hebrews with exegetical outlines and comments on every verse. Vol. I covers
Hebrews 1-6.
-Verse by Verse Through Hebrews, A Study Guide, Vol. II, a thorough treatment of the background and nature of the Book of
Hebrews with exegetical outlines and comments on every verse. Vol. II covers Hebrews 7- 13.
- Millennial Eschatology – The Triumphant
Kingdom of Messiah: An Introduction to “Last Things” in the Bible, examines and resolves the issues of O.T. Eschatology as it relates to N.T. Eschatology; excellent graphics throughout.
Verse by Verse Through Acts, With Doctrinal Observations, Vol. I, Acts 1-7,
a verse-by-verse exposition of the first seven chapters of Acts [first in a series of three volumes].
- Verse by Verse Through Acts, With Doctrinal Observations, Vol. II, Acts 8-15,
a verse-by-verse exposition of Acts chapters 8-15.
Verse by Verse Through Acts, With Doctrinal Observations, Vol. III, Acts 16-21,
a verse-by-verse exposition of Acts chapters 16-21.
Verse by Verse Through Acts, With Doctrinal Observations, Vol. IV, Acts 22-28,
a verse-by-verse exposition of Acts chapters 22-28.
Booklets in the “Growth Truth Series”
- “The Amazing Ministries Of The Holy
Spirit: Resource for Every Believer of this Age” (29 pp.), a primer on
the 13 ministries of the Holy Spirit to every believer.
-“The Believer & The Mosaic Law, How Do
These Relate?” (20pp.), a monograph that conclusively demonstrates from
Scripture that the Believer is not under the Law, but under grace. It then goes on to clarify the
significance of what it means to be under grace.
-“The Text Of Scripture: Which Text? A
Case for Moderation in the King James
Only Debate” (17 pp.), a
monograph that seeks to clarify the issues and reverse the harsh rhetoric,
disharmony, and needless polarization of Bible
believing Brethren over this issue.
-“Understanding James 2:1-14: Removing the
Theological Tension Between Faith and Good Works” (18 pp.), a booklet that addresses the issue of Lordship
salvation and its faulty understanding of this passage.
-“The Passion War: Spiritual Conflict in
Every Believer” (16pp.), a monograph that addresses the
erroneous teaching of one-naturism by exposing its expositional weaknesses.
-“Spirituality… Maturation…Retrogression…”
(38pp.), a study that helps believers
orient to major issues relative to spiritual growth. Hebrew 6 is discussed in detail.
-“Election in Romans 9: A Fresh Look” (24pp.), a monograph that establishes
that God’s election in Romans 9 is not soteriological in nature.
Donate via PayPal
(you do not need a PayPal account to donate)
Or mail your donation to:
Merryman Ministries
1507 SW Antiquity Dr
Lee's Summit, MO 64081
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